Who can apply to EMSHIP+ Master 120

EMSHIP+ corresponds exactly to the needs of the European and Worldwide Marine Industry. Candidates can apply for EMSHIP+ Master in Advanced Ship Design WITH orWITHOUT scholarship

English practice is mandatory as all the lectures are in English.

Targeted Candidates

Candidates must have an engineering Bachelor degree.

Feel free to contactThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., if you have any questions on this issue.

Master Study M120

Eligibility Conditions :

The targeted candidates are:

  • Undergraduate Students having a BSc (typically a bachelor in 3 years as in Europe (called BAC+3), or in 4-5 years in other countries). If specialized, the bachelor should be in Mechanics, Aero, Naval Architecture, Ocean Engineering, Civil Engineering, Material engineering or related fields;
  • Engineers with a Master degree (MSc , BAC+5) in Mechanical Engineering, Marine Engineering, Civil Engineering or related fields, searching for advanced education in Marine Hydrodynamics, in Ship and offshore Design, Ship and offshore Structures, Production, and Information Technology (to upgrade his existing knowledge);
  • Engineers looking to start a career in classification societies, R&D units or in maritime engineering companies;
  • Candidates looking for an ideal preparation for a PhD (or R&D) in the maritime field;
  • All Candidates must have a relevant background in : (See Prerequisites)
    • Mathematics, Physics, Numerical Analysis
    • Physics of materials, Applied thermodynamics ,
    • Mechanics, Mechanics of materials, Solid mechanics,
    • Fluid mechanics


This Master is open to students having at least a bachelor in 3 years (180 credits), but there are some prerequisites. Of course students having bachelor in 4 or 5 years, or students with a master degree are also welcome, but similarly, the same prerequisites apply.

The eligibility of the applicants, which do not have an engineering bachelor degree from ULiège (Univ of Liege, Belgium), has to be validated by the Admission Committee of the School of Engineering of ULiège. Only the students having at least a Bachelor [degree awarded before the 1st Sept of the year the EMSHIP program starts (*)] and who satisfy the relevant prerequisites will be eligible. Therefore, it is important that you provide clear information about the courses you have studied (or still studying) before to start MESHIP .

(*) this means you can apply in Oct-Dec to start in Sept the year after, with the condition that you will have your Bachelor degree before 1st (15th) Sept of that year.

To be admitted at this Joint Programme “EMSHIP+ - Advanced Design of Ships and Offshore Structures”, candidates must fulfil the following conditions:

- be holders of a “Bachelor of Science” or “Bachelor of Engineering” degree, with at least 180 ECTS (credits), in Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture, Ocean Engineering, Civil Engineering or related fields (*)
- have appropriate command of English language

(*) A master in one of these fields is also accepted

and one of the following conditions:

- Be holder of a “bachelier en sciences de l’ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil”, with 180 ECTS (Belgium);
- Be holder of a “Master en sciences industrielles” or “Master en sciences de l’ingénieur industriel” (Belgium)
- Be holders of another degree considered similar to those mentioned above (at least 180 ECTS) with the agreement of the academic authorities of ULiège


Prerequisites (click here)

Typical ULiège BACHELOR Program


If you have a question about your eligibility for EMSHIP please

complete this document and The Prerequisite document and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.