Scholarships & Tuitions Fees

If you fill in the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM (see link “Application form”), you automatically apply for a scholarship (unless you mention the opposite). Nothing else to do. Allocation will be done by the EMSHIP consortium based on the application quality and the availability of funds.
These scholarships are available for applicants to Master program.

EMSHIP M120 tuition fees (TF) for the 2 years are the following (for all students)

  • EU applicants: 4k€/year (8k€ for the full cycle (2 years)).
  • Non-EU applicants: 8k€/year (16k€ for the full cycle (2 years)).

For a registration in Sept 2023, scholarships are available to cover the full Tuitions Fees (TF).


For the next cohort (September 2023), the consortium offers ~20-25 scholarships for EU and NON EU candidates applying to M120.
It will be distributed according to candidate CV’s quality and their motivations.
Full scholarships are not given. We give priority to partial scholarships for several students instead of full ones to only a few.

The Consortium scholarship for NON EU students includes:

  • The full tuition fees (8k€/year)
  • A health insurance (value 0.5k€/year)
  • An allowance for living expenses of 8k€ for the 2 years, distributed : 
    • - 1st year : 500€/month * 10 = 5k€
    • - 2nd year : 300€/month * 10 = 3k€
  • Access to EU Erasmus Mobility (for 2nd year) : ~2 or 3 k€ (see 3 - Erasmus Mobility scholarships (EU mobility grant))
  • Access to industrial financial support during internship : ~2k€ (*) 

The Consortium scholarship for EU students includes :

  • The full tuition fees (4k€/year)
  • A health insurance (value 0.5k€/year)
  • An allowance for living expenses of 8k€ for the 2 years, distributed : 
    • - 1st year : 500€/month * 10 = 5k€
    • - 2nd year : 300€/month * 10 = 3k€
  • Access to EU Erasmus Mobility (for 2nd year) : ~2 or 3 k€ (see 3 - Erasmus Mobility scholarships (EU mobility grant))
  • Access to industrial financial support during internship : ~2k€ (*) 

(*) All the companies do not give such financial support.


Academic Scholarship concerns excellent applicants. It covers 1k€ / month for EU and NON students, and a part of the tuition fees.
Only 1 or 2 of theses academic scholarships will be available.

3- ERASMUS MOBILITY SCHOLARSHIPS (EU mobility Grant) - available for all students

A student can apply during his/her stay at ULiège for a standard ERASMUS mobility grant (mobility inside EU) for a mobility to ECN, URO or UPM (up to 12 months – beware: internship period may not be covered by this scholarship).
This scholarship is accessible to all students.
It is aimed to cover a part of the expenses due to the mobility, but it is not sufficient to cover all expenses!
This scholarship is a lump sum (200~300€/Month), calculated on the basis of the destination and the number of months of study to be done there.
A first transfer of 70% of the grant is done at the beginning of the stay in the destination university, after completion by the student of a certain number of administrative tasks, and the remaining 30% are transferred at the end of the mobility period, after completion by the student of a certain number of administrative tasks. The administrative tasks will be explained to the applicants in due time.
Full information will be given to eligible students at the beginning of the semester in Liege, by the International Office.
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NB : For the September 2023 application there is no Erasmus Mundus full scholarships.
Hopefully, such scholarships will be available for the intake starting in September 2024 (with application in October to December 2023).


 A visa is awarded to study in Belgium if the candidate can justify about 10k€ / year.
As the TF are waived by the scholarship and as the candidate will get 5k€ / year for the living expenses, the scholarship holder will still have to cover (for visa application) the remaining 5k€ / year (10k€ for the full master).