2nd year – 2nd alternative ROSTOCK - Germany


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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology

Albert-Einstein-Str. 2 D-18059 Rostock, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498 9270; Fax : +49 (0) 381 498 9272


Contacts: Professor Thomas Lindemann and Professor Patrick Kaeding


Schedule at University of Rostock 


For graduation in EMship+, students have to earn 120 ECTS in total:

  • 60 under the responsibility of University of Liège (master 1 – 1st year – 2 semesters)
  • 60 under the responsibility of University of Rostock (master 2 – 2nd year – 2 semesters)

The 60 credits at URO are composed of:

  • 24 ECTS lectures ( 3rd semester) – see list below,
    6 ECTS team project associated with a lecture covering special aspects (3rd  semester),
  • 30 ECTS Master Thesis with possible Internship

Before arrival at URO, students will make up their individual plan (lecture selection) for the 3rd and 4th semesters. This plan has to be approved by a professor at URO assigned responsible for her/his coaching.

Examples of combinations are (all combinations are to be discussed with and approved by the student's coach on an individual basis) :

- For a student seeking a profile in e.g. Offshore Engineering :
URO-1, URO-2, URO-3, URO-6, Master Thesis
- For a student seeking a profile in e.g. Ship Technology :
URO-2, URO-3, URO-4, URO-5, Master Thesis

The students have to select lectures for 24 credits within the lectures URO-1 to URO 6: 

URO-3-1 Theory and Design of Floating and Founded Offshore Systems Sascha Kosleck 6 ECTS
URO-3-2 Selected Topics of the Analysis of Marine Structures Patrick Kaeding 6 ECTS
URO-3-3 Mathematical Models in Ship Theory Nikolai Kornev 6 ECTS
URO-3-4 IT in Ship Design and Production Florian Sprenger 6 ECTS
URO-3-5 Safety of Ships under Damaged Conditions, in Waves Florian Sprenger 6 ECTS
URO-3-6 Ocean Research Technology Sascha Kosleck 6 ECTS
URO-3-7* Team Project Nikolai Kornev + all 6 ECTS

(URO-3-7* in addition is a mandatory course (6 credits)) 

è Master Thesis and Internships (30 credits):

The Master Thesis can be undertaken at URO or in partner universities labs and companies in Germany or abroad.



èPresentation of the UNIVERSITY OF ROSTOCK (URO – Germany)



Ref (URO): 1551080                                       EMship+: M2- URO-1  

Prof : Sascha Kosleck                       Teaching Period: October – January

Link : see EMship+ LMS

Course contents

  1. Introduction

Loads and motions of ships and offshore structures – definition and problems, classification of structures based on hydrodynamic aspects

  1. Marine environment

General assumptions, linear wave theory, statistical description of waves, wind, current

  1. Linear wave-induced loads and motions of floating structures

Regular and irregular waves, Froude-Krylov-force, added mass, damping forces, Morrison’s equation, resonance frequency, transfer function, amplification factor, motion analysis in time and frequency domain, exercises

  1. Numerical methods for prediction of linear wave-induced loads and motions of hydrodynamically compact floating structures

2- and 3-dimensional source techniques

  1. Introductions into non-linear problems

Applications and exercises

  1. Loads  due to current and wind

Stationary circulation of circular cylinders and slender bodies with smooth as well as structured surface, laboratory tests

  1. Station keeping of floating systems


Learning outcomes of the course

Students acquire general knowledge about offshore structures for oil and gas exploration and production, for marine aquaculture as well as for underwater applications. In particular, the students learn to recognize the interaction between environmental conditions and particular structures. Students will lay their scientific focus on wave induced loads and motions of floating, submerged or founded offshore structures. They make themselves familiar with methods in linear and non-linear mathematical modelling as well as in experimental methods. They are qualified to elect the most suited methods regarding the respective technical task as well as to apply these methods for hydrodynamic analyses of offshore structures. Students are highly enabled to evaluate and to synthesis results of theoretical and experimental analysis  

Prerequisites :

Students have to prove knowledge in vector analysis, differential equations, potential and viscous flow as well as basic experience in the field of experimental work.



Ref (URO): 1551190                           EMship+: M2- URO-2  

Prof : Patrick Kaeding                        Teaching Period:  October – January

Link : see EMship+ LMS

Course contents

1. Introduction to selected topics of structural design and analysis

2. Shear force distribution in thin-walled structures with several cells

3. Warping torsion

4. Elastic foundation

5. Analysis under seismic loads

6. Selected advanced finite element formulations

7. Non-linear solution methods

8. Ultimate strength analyses

Learning outcomes of the course

Students are able to assess the behavior of marine structures under special and extreme loads. This is a prerequisite to develop new types of marine structures. Students know the background of the relevant methods so that they can apply them correctly and efficiently.

Prerequisites :

Knowledge in “Fundamentals of the analysis of marine structures”, “Finite element method”, “Ship design”, “Ship structural design” or similar



Ref (URO):   1551360                                 EMship+: M2- URO-3  

Prof :  Nikolai Kornev            Teaching Period:October – January

Link :


Course contents

Differential equation of motion of arbitrary objects in different media. Equations of ship manoeuvring. Determination of added mass. Steady manoeuvring forces. Calculation of steady manoeuvring forces using slender body theory. Forces on ship rudders. Yaw stability. Manoeuvrability Diagram. Experimental study of the manoeuvrability. Influence of different factors on the manoeuvrability. Application of CFD for manoeuvrability problems.  Dynamics of offshore structures.

More detailed information on course content can be taken from the textbook “Lectures on ship manoeuvrability”  which can be downloaded from  http://bookboon.com/de/lectures-on-ship-manoeuvrability-ebook


Learning outcomes of the course

The main objective is to give a general overview of mathematical models used in ship dynamics, ship maneuverability and offshore structures dynamics. Having successfully completed the module, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of ship and offshore structures motion at different operational conditions.


Prerequisites :

Students must have a Bachelor degree in Engineering. They must have knowledge in mechanical engineering, naval architecture, marine or offshore engineering, aerospace engineering, or similar.



Ref (URO): 1550940                            EMship+: M2- URO-4  

Prof : Florian Sprenger                         Teaching Period: October – January

Link : see EMship+ LMS

Course contents

1         Process analysis in ship design, production and operation: identification of roles (partners), tasks, tools and information flows in international ship design and production networks.

2         Fundamental differences between mass production and one-of-a-kind products like ships and offshore structures

3         CA-tools applied in ship design: input to, functions built in, output from, important links into the ship design and production network

4         Process modelling techniques, examples from shipbuilding processes product modelling, focus on different ship product data sets for different views in interdisciplinary tasks to be performed.

5         Modelling and transformation of information to be used in scenarios requiring multiple and different views.

6         Integration strategies, IT tools to support the in-house as well as cross-company co-operation in ship design networks

7         System architecture of selected tools specifically used in ship design.

8         Principles of shape modelling

9         Fundamentals in mathematical modelling of curves and surfaces in computer graphics

Learning outcomes of the course

Students will understand the fundamentals and will be able to judge upon the capabilities of IT-tools in ship design and production. They will be able to identify requirements on these software systems based on a sound knowledge of the ship design and operation life cycle. A clear focus in ship one-of-a-kind design and production processes is applied. The understood necessity of an efficient information exchange between partners and tasks involved leads to the knowledge of suitable information exchange methods and tools. Process and product modeling techniques as a prerequisite for a successful information exchange can be applied by the students in specific exchange scenarios of ship product model data.

They will understand how the underlying design principles are implemented and will experience the complexity of naval architectural and ship design software systems. Students will learn how to operate in complex and unpredictable and/or specialized contexts, and will get an overview of the issues governing good practice.

Prerequisites :

1. knowledge about ship hull form modelling to perform this task with professional tools

2. use a class tool to model and define the scantlings of a "midship section" like GL-POSEIDON, DNV-NAUTICUS or the like.

3. performing a longitudinal strength calculation, required to do scantlings

In URO’s program these 3 topics are the real basics on which we built upon in the advanced lectures



Ref (URO): 1551230                           EMship+: M2- URO-5  

Prof : Florian Sprenger                         Teaching Period: October – January

Link : see EMship+ LMS

Course contents

  1. Ship and offshore structures hydrostatics and stability repetition
  2. Lost buoyancy and additional weight methods to calculate the floating condition after a damage
  3. Floodable length curve, criteria freeboard and stability
  4. Deterministic determination of ship safety: critical discussion of the compartmentalization factor approach
  5. Probabilistic approach for a rational analysis of the effect of watertight internal subdivision
  6. Rational methods to calculate the risk in case of a damage, statistical damage data by IMO, Harder project
  7. Overview of the development of regulation regarding ship safety in damaged conditions, critical discussion of SOLAS
  8. safety against capsizing of ships in waves – introduction introducing actual damages
  9. upsetting and uprighting moments, GZ-curve and dynamic aspects
  10. Roll oscillations, eigenvalue, forced in regular waves
  11. Roll oscillations in a real sea state, sea spectra to model a sea state, probabilistic approach to calculate the ship answer based on RAOs
  12. parametric roll excitations, Mathieu function: pros and cons
  13. Quantitative assessment
  14. Critical discussion of the IS-Code and different navy codes
  15. Discussion of ship accidents due to excessive roll motions, pure loss of stability, broaching, accidental shift of loads and combinations thereof.

Learning outcomes of the course

1) Knowledge and understanding

Having successfully completed the module, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the physics of floating objects like ships and offshore structures taking into account a damaged condition. Ship safety assessment methods will be known for which deterministic and probabilistic approaches can be distinguished. The importance of ship safety aspects in the overall ship design process will be known, consequences will be understood.

2) Intellectual skills

Having successfully completed the module, the student will be able to apply risk based methods in ship design. She/he will be aware of the limitations and deficiencies of deterministic approaches, e.g. as being implemented in the IMO IS-Code. She/he will be able to fundamentally question regulations with respect to their defined goals and methods formulated.

3) Practical skills

Having successfully completed this module, the student will be able to calculate the floating position of a damaged vessel an to evaluate its remaining stability capacities. She/he will be able to perform calculation to check a given ship design against SOLAS requirements.

4) General transferable (key) skills

Having successfully completed the module, the students will be aware of the limitations of deterministic approaches to solve design problems, she/he understands the advantages of probabilistic design methods to reduce risk in the operation of complex technical objects like ships or offshore structures.

Prerequisites :

Sound knowledge is required in hydrostatics, basic knowledge in integral and differential calculus, statistics as well as  probability calculations.




Ref (URO): 1550870                                  EMship+: M2- URO-6  

Prof : Sascha Kosleck                               Teaching Period: October – January

Link : see EMship+ LMS

Course contents

Part I: Prof. Sascha Kosleck

Measurement and sampling procedures and methods in marine science and underwater monitoring

  1. Introduction
  2. Selected challenges in marine research and observation
  3. Measurement principles and methods
  4. Methods for data storage and transfer
  5. Sampling methods and procedures
  6. Autonomously and manually operated underwater vehicles
  7. Research platforms and research vessels


Part II: PD Dr. Rudorf

System theory and life assessment concepts (block seminar)

  1. Historical outline of the system concept
  2. Life cycles
  3. Service life curves and their determination
  4. Life predictions
  5. System theory and ecology
  6. Applications in ocean engineering

Learning outcomes of the course

Students will be able to recognize and understand relevant issues of in situ – working disciplines of marine sciences. Therefore, they are able to specify essential requirements for underwater equipment, operations incl. principles of action, precisions and main dimensions. Students can evaluate the interactions between both the living object and measuring techniques. They are able to develop optimized concepts for equipment and procedures for special tasks of marine researchers.   

In the second part, students will deepen their understanding of structured technical systems in marine science and technology in particular in terms of necessary redundancies. They will be able to predict the utility and life time of system components and systems for marine technologies.

Prerequisites :

Basic knowledge is required in hydrodynamics, integral und differential calculus, statistics and material science.


Title: TEAM PROJECT  (6 credits)

Ref (URO):    tbd                                       EMship+: M2- URO-7  

Prof : Nikolai Kornev                          Teaching Period: October – January

Link : see EMship+ LMS

Course contents

This module is strictly linked to any course to be taken at URO. Depending on the topics of the selected course, a problem will have to be solved in a team. Students can select the course for the teamwork project according to their preference.

Learning outcomes of the course

Students will experience themselves in a team solving a defined problem in a defined time span. Depending on the course, the teamwork is linked to students that will intensively make use of different computer programs to solve the assigned task or will perform their own programming and experiments. While doing so, students will have a better understanding of the topics taught as they will work on a real world problem.

In teamwork students will develop to work effectively with a group as leader or member, they can clarify tasks and make appropriate use of the capacities of group members. They are able to negotiate and handle conflicts with confidence in a project in which the participants contribute with different but integrated software components.

Students will be able to demonstrate initiative and originality in problem solving, can act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional level while making decisions in complex and unpredictable situations. They will develop a comprehensive understanding of techniques and methodologies applicable to their own work.

Prerequisites :

Students have to register in the course, the team project is linked to.