2nd year - 3rd alternative UPM - Spain

Advanced Ship Design and Offshore Renewable Energies (Máster en Diseño Avanzado de Buques y Energías Renovables Marinas)

The main objective is to provide the students a complete expertise on matters necessary for a proper and comprehensive immersion in the different disciplines (technical, economical and management) that includes tLogoUPM  Madridhe design, project development, construction, operation and maintenance of an offshore renewable plant and more specifically an Offshore Wind Farm.

The scope of the Modules has been carefully designed after a complete assessment of the training needs based on major world-class companies already working in offshore renewable energy harnessing, an industry that demands engineers with multi-disciplinary background.

The 60 credits at UPM are composed of:

  • 30 ECTS lectures during the 3rd semester
  • 30 ECTS Master Thesis (integrated with the Internship) during the 4th semester

The Master Thesis can be undertaken in UPM or in other labs and companies in Spain or abroad.

SEMESTER 3: Lectures (30 credits)

  Compulsory Lectures (30 Credits) Credits
M2-UPM-1 Oceanology 1.5
M2-UPM-2 Structural Design of OWT 8
M2-UPM-3 Electric Generation and Export Technologies 5.5
M2-UPM-4 Manufacturing and Maritime Operations 7
M2-UPM-5 Project Operation and Management 4
M2-UPM-6 Structural Analysis of Offshore Platforms 4


  Course title Credits
M2-UPM-7 Master Thesis 25
M2-UPM-8 Internship in Companies or Laboratories 5

The Master thesis is formally under the responsibility of UPM, as UPM delivers his Master specialized in Marine Renewable Energies harnessing (2nd year Master) at the end of the program.

Students can perform their Master thesis in UPM, in a university laboratory, in a private company, in a research center in Spain or abroad

Students can also perform their Master thesis in one of the partners of the EMSHIP consortium.

In all cases, the topic of the Master thesis must be in relation to Marine Renewable Energy and has to be validated by UPM.

The duration of the Master Thesis is five months. Students must write a Master Thesis report and defend their work at the end of their Master Thesis; this defense is organized by UPM.

UPM Teaching team

The UPM academic board involved in the EMSHIP+ program will be composed initially by:

Luis Ramón Núñez Rivas (MAERM Director) UPM / ETSIN
José Luis Morán González (General Coordinator) SIEMENS – UPM / ETSIN
Enrique Tremps Guerra (Academic Secretary) UPM / ETSIN
Vicente Negro Valdecantos UPM / ETSICCP
Miguel Ángel Herreros Sierra UPM / ETSIN
Sergio Martínez González UPM / ETSII
Juan Moya García  PAT-18 COIN


Title:      OCEANOLOGY                                                                                        1.5 credits

Ref :  EMSHIP+_M2-UPM-1                        

Prof : L.R. NÚÑEZ                               Teaching Period: sem. 3

Link : http://www.etsin.upm.es/English/Estudios/Postgrado/Master%E2%80%99s%20Degree%20on%20Marine%20Renewable%20Energies%20Harnessing

Link : https://moodle.upm.es/titulaciones/propias/course/view.php?id=1449


  • Understanding the offshore environmental conditions.
  • To gain the ability of building the environmental loads in order to properly model and design the structures.
  • Energy resource, characterization: waves, currents, wind-wave joint probability, long term descriptions.


1.1: Offshore environmental conditions

  • Wind condition assessment: wind theories and profiles, wind-wave correlation
  • Metocean condition assessment: wave theories (shallow and deep waters), current theories and profiles, tidal conditions
  • Discussion on marine growth and impact on design of structures
  • Discussion on ice and icing

1.2: Environmental resources

  • Ocean energy resource: wind
  • Ocean energy resource: wave, tidal, thermal

Academic staff
Luis Ramón Núñez Rivas, Course coordinator
José Luis Morán González / Enrique Tremps Guerra / Amable López Piñeiro / Vicente Negro Valdecantos / José Santos López Gutiérrez / Dolores Esteban Pérez


  • Shore Protection Manual. Coastal Engineering Research Center. Vickburg. U.S.A. 1.984.
  • Random Seas and design of maritime Structures. Yoshimi Goda. University of Yokohama. Tokio Press. 1.985.
  • Water wave mechanics for engineers and scientists. Robert G. Dean and Robert A. Dalrymple. Advanced series on Ocean Engineering. 1.992.
  • Nearshore dynamics and coastal processes. Theory, measurement and predictive Models. Horikawa, K. University of Tokyo Press. 1.988.
  • Coastal Engineering Manual. Part II. Coastal Hydrodynamics. 2006

Learning outcomes of the course

Understanding the offshore environmental conditions
Energy resource, characterization: Waves, currents, wind-waves joint probability, long term descriptions


Title:      STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OWT                                                                        8 credits

Ref :  EMSHIP+_M2-UPM-2            

Prof : V. NEGRO                                                                      Teaching Period: sem. 3

Link : http://www.etsin.upm.es/English/Estudios/Postgrado/Master%E2%80%99s%20Degree%20on%20Marine%20Renewable%20Energies%20Harnessing

Link : https://moodle.upm.es/titulaciones/propias/course/view.php?id=1450


  • Understanding site assessment, including dynamics of floating offshore structures, their mooring and their analysis.
  • Understanding the design of foundations of fixed OWT, including the comprehension of the structural design principles, integrated design, material technologies, cathodic protection principles and the Certification Process.
  • Gaining the knowledge about new technologies: floating support structures, and marine energy converters


2.1: Site characteristics

  • Offshore dynamics (floating OWT)
  • Geotechnical engineering of fixed OWT

2.2: Design of fixed OWT

  • Foundations: fixed structures
  • Structural design principles (FEA)
  • Integrated design
  • Material technologies
  • Cathodic protection systems
  • Certification process

2.3: New technologies. Floating wind turbines

  • Design methodologies for floating wind turbines
  • Mooring systems
  • Engineering singularities of floating wind turbines
  • Other marine energy converters: TECs, WECs, and OTECs
  • Discussion on marine growth and impact on design of structures
  • Discussion on ice and icing

Exam courses 1 and 2 (2 hours)

Academic staff
Vicente Negro Valdecantos, course coordinator
Ángel González / José Santos López Gutiérrez / Dolores Esteban Pérez / Ricardo Zamora / Claudio Olalla Marañón / Mario de Vicente / Juan Carlos Suárez Bermejo / Paz Pinilla Cea / Rodrigo Pérez Fernández / Pedro Soria Ruiz / Luis Pérez Rojas


  • Technical standards and recommendations: BSH, DNVGL, IEC, Puertos del Estado,
  • Burton, T., Sharpe, D., Jenkins, N., Bossanyi, E., 2001. Wind energy handbook. Technical book. Ed. Wiley.
  • Cruz, J., 2008. Ocean wave energy, current status and future perspectives. Technical book. Ed. Springer.
  • Kaiser, M.J., Snyder, B.F., 2012. Offshore wind energy cost modeling, Installation and decommissioning. Technical book. Ed. Springer.
  • OTEO, 2014. Offshore Renewable Energy current status-future perspectives for Portugal. Technical book. Ed. INEGI.
  • USACE. Coastal Engineering Manual.
  • USACE. Shore Protection Manual.
  • Chella, M.A., Tørum, A., Myrhaug, D., 2012. An Overview of Wave Impact Forces on Offshore Wind Turbine Substructures. Energy Procedia 20, 217-226.
  • Esteban, M.D., Couñago, B., López-Gutiérrez, J.S., Negro, V., Vellisco, F., 2015. Gravity based support structures for offshore wind turbine generators: Review of the installation process. Ocean Engineering, 110-A, 281-291.
  • Negro, V., López-Gutiérrez, J.S., Esteban, M.D., Alberdi, P., Imaz, M., Serraclara, J.M., 2017. Monopiles in offshore wind: preliminary estimate of main dimensions. Ocean Engineering, 133, 253-261

Learning outcomes of the course

  • To get the ability to select the foundation typology that fit best for the purpose
  • To outline the structural design process
  • To be capable of developing a structural model and run the different analysis that can be required during the design of an offshore structure
  • To be capable of defining the material that suits best for any situation
  • To properly assess the corrosion impact for the full design life of the structure and define the cathodic protection system
  • To state the significance of a correct and consistent definition of the framework from the start of the project
  • To be capable of defining the different methods for building the soil pile interaction models that can be accessed in technical literature and design standards.

Title:      ELECTRIC GENERATION AND EXPORT TECHNOLOGIES                                          5.5 credits

Ref :  EMSHIP+_M2-UPM-3                        

Prof : E. TREMPS                                                                                    Teaching Period: sem. 3

Link : http://www.etsin.upm.es/English/Estudios/Postgrado/Master%E2%80%99s%20Degree%20on%20Marine%20Renewable%20Energies%20Harnessing

Link : https://moodle.upm.es/titulaciones/propias/course/view.php?id=1451


  • To have a global vision of different Power Take Off (PTO) types
  • To identify the basic model for blades power conversion
  • To understand the complete WTG's design process. This part will cover from the aero-servo-hidroelastic calculations for obtaining the load assessment to the dimensioning parameters for the main WTG components
  • To present a general model of annual energy estimation
  • To understand the operation and behavior of different types of generators and their connection to grid
  • To understand of operation aspects related to active and reactive power control
  • Knowledge about typologies and technologies of array and export cables
  • To analyze the diverse possibilities of using the hydrogen produced from marine renewables


3.1: Offshore energy converters

  • Status of development, technologies, trends.
  • Fluid Mechanics of Blades. Design methodologies.
  • Structural aspects of Blades. Analysis models.
  • Gear Box, Brakes and Supports.
  • Generators (mechanical aspects)
  • Control Actuators (mechanical)
  • Wave Converters PTO's
  • Wind and TEC PTO's
  • Control and Dynamic Behaviour
  • Produced Energy

3.2: Grid Technology

  • PTO electrical components and Elements
  • Offshore substations
  • Offshore Converters
  • Operation aspects
  • Array Cables
  • Export Cables
  • Grid connection to Shore

3.3: Advanced storage offshore technologies

  • Hydrogen generation offshore
  • Uses of stored hydrogen

Exam course 3 (2 hours)

Academic staff

Enrique Tremps Guerra, Course coordinator
Amable López Piñeiro / Pedro Soria Ruiz / José Andrés Somolinos Sánchez / Alfonso Martínez Caminero / Juan Miguel Pérez de Andrés / Sergio Martínez González / Carlos Veganzones Nicolás /
Teresa Leo Mena


  • Electricity from Wave and Tide. Paul A. Lynn. Wiley (2014)
  • Wind Turbine Control Systems. Fernando D. Bianchi, Hernán De Battista
  • and Ricardo J. Mantz. Springer (2007)
  • Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy. Paul A. Lynn. Wiley (2012)
  • Biblioteca sobre Ingeniería Energética. Pedro Fernández Díez. http://es.pfernandezdiez.es/
  • Modelado Energético de Convertidores Primarios para el Aprovechamiento de las Energías Renovables Marinas. Amable López P. et al. Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial Vol.2 2014. www.elsevier.es/RIAI.
  • Methodologies for Tidal Energy Converters Evaluation Early Project Phases. L.R. Núñez et al. 1st International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore RENEW’14. Lisbon 2014
  • Electric Machinery Fundamentals. Stephen J. Chapman. McGraw Hill (2012)
  • Induction Machines Design Handbook. Ion Boldea, Syed A. Nasar. CRC Press (2010)
  • Synchronous Generators. Ion Boldea. CRC Press (2016)
  • Stolten D (editor), Samsun R C (editor), Garland N (editor), Fuel Cells: Data, Facts and Figures, Wiley, 2016.
  • Godula-Jopek A (editor), Hydrogen Production: by Electrolysis, Wiley-VCH, 2015.

Learning outcomes of the course

  • To be capable to make a basic design of rotor and PTO, related with the site characteristics obtaining the energy produced and optimizing the main parameters
  • To be capable of developing a structural model and run the different analysis that can be required during the design of the rotor of a OWT
  • To be capable of defining the material that suits best for any situation
  • To know the similarities and differences of OWT devices with that harness energy from sea waves and currents.
  • To know the possibilities of using the hydrogen as energy vector, for storage or transport


Title:      MANUFACTURING AND MARINE OPERATIONS                        7 credits

Ref :  EMSHIP+_M2-UPM-4                        

Prof : J. DOMÍNGUEZ                                                                                    Teaching Period: sem. 3

Link : http://www.etsin.upm.es/English/Estudios/Postgrado/Master%E2%80%99s%20Degree%20on%20Marine%20Renewable%20Energies%20Harnessing

Link : https://moodle.upm.es/titulaciones/propias/course/view.php?id=1452


  • Understanding the offshore fabrication techniques, relevance of interfaces and all activities for sail away.
  • Knowledge of marine vessels and ability to select the most appropriate offshore vessels set. Ability to define the most suitable transport and installation strategies.
  • Understanding the figures involved in granting permits for marine operations and decision-making procedures under HES criteria.
  • Understanding of the construction phases happening offshore


4.1: Fabrication

  • Manufacturing strategies
  • Load-Out

4.2: Marine vessel deployment

  • Vessel typologies spectrum
  • Transport and installation operational requirements

4.3: Marine operations

  • Marine warranty surveyor
  • Harbour logistics
  • Transport operations
  • Installation operations
  • Complementary installation strategies
  • Submarine cable laying
  • Commissioning
  • Offshore logistics
  • Health & safety
  • Environment

4.4: Operation and Maintenance

  • Maintenance
  • Marine logistics for O&M
  • Assets operation. Operational tools

Exam course 4 (2 hours)

Academic staff
Jaime Domínguez Soto, Course coordinator
Pablo Gómez Alonso / Vicente Negro Valdecantos / José Santos López Gutiérrez / Dolores Esteban Pérez / Enrique de Faragó Botella / Jose Manuel García Muniña / Jonay Cruz Fernández / Manuel Aguinaga Arena / Juan Luis Paredes


  • Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures - Ben C. Gerwick
  • API Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms – API RP 2A
  • DNVGL-OS-C401 Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures
  • DNVGL-ST-N001 Marine operations and marine warranty
  • DNVGL RP-J301 Subsea Power Cables in Shallow Water Renewable Energy Applications

Learning outcomes of the course

  • Understanding the load-out operation from the impact on design and fabrication to the load-out sequence and the benefits of feedback engineering-fabrication
  • Understanding of the operation requirements for marine operations to define the vessels for best selection for each marine operation and for the future for the renewable business
  • Understanding the certification process that rules the marine operation authorization
  • Understanding the characteristics of the marine transportation to select the most suitable transport means and port selection
  • Understanding the different phases involved in the installation process and new challenges ahead accounting for deeper and heavier structures
  • Knowledge on the characteristics of the logistics required to support the offshore commissioning activities and personnel offshore
  • Understanding of the paramount importance of the H&S concept, specific training and countries regulations to reduce risks during execution and operation of the platforms
  • Understanding of the environmental impact and mitigation measures of the installation and maintenance works
  • Understanding of the different maintenance strategies and the resources to be mobilized in the different maintenance typologies. Risk attenuation, insurances
  • Understanding of the mutual influence between the ship design and the selected maintenance strategy

Title:      PROJECT OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT                                4 credits

Ref :  EMSHIP+_M2-UPM-5                         

Prof : S. FERNÁNDEZ                                                                                    Teaching Period: sem. 3

Link : http://www.etsin.upm.es/English/Estudios/Postgrado/Master%E2%80%99s%20Degree%20on%20Marine%20Renewable%20Energies%20Harnessing

Link : https://moodle.upm.es/titulaciones/propias/course/view.php?id=1453


  • Sound knowledge of the political, economic and technological drivers guiding the development of the MRE (Marine Renewable Energy)
  • Full comprehension of the different phases of a MRE Project and the specific characteristics of each one of them: Development, Permits, Construction and Operation and its financial inputs and outputs
  • Knowledge of the different approaches to develop, build and operate a MRE project. Cost structure of the project and differences among the different possibilities.
  • Sound knowledge of the building up of a MRE Project business case and the different possibilities for its financing.
  • Robust knowledge of the different approaches to monetize risks. Contingency concept and valuation.
  • Understanding of the main risks arising during the different development phases of a RME Project. Classification, evaluation and mitigation of these risks. Contingency management.


Theme 5.1: Financial Principles

  • Development phases of a Power Production Project. Specific case of an OWF. Development, Permits, Construction and O&M. FID Milestone.
  • Environmental & socio-economic impact of the MRE
  • Economic remuneration to the marine energy projects. Regulation in Germany, UK and France. Status in Spain.
  • Cost structure of a Renewable Marine Energy Project. Turn Key Projects vs. Package Split. Packages splitting levels and needs for owner's resources.
  • Valuation of an Energy Project. IRR/VNA/WACC. The business plan.
  • Project financing modalities.  Non-recourse financing: "Project Finance".
  • Principles of risk assessment. Concept of contingency.

Exam course 5 (2 hours)

Academic Staff

Salvador Fernández Uranga, Course coordinator
Jose Ignacio González Iglesias / Laura Rol Rúa / Miguel Sánchez Calero / Jose Luis Morán / Ricardo Izquierdo Labella


  • FIDIC. A guide for practitioners. Axel-Volkmar Jaeger & Dr. Götz-Sebastian Hök. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
  • Financing Large Projects: Using Project Finance Techniques and Practices M. Fouzul Kabir Khan & Robert J. Parra. Prentice Hall College Div 2007 Random
  • East Anglia ONE Offshore Windfarm. 500MW – 600MW Project. Supply Chain Plan. Available in www.gov.uk
  • Estimating Project Cost Contingency-A model and exploration of research questions. David Baccarini-2004
  • A decision support tool for the Risk Management of offshore Wind Energy Projects-2013
  • Project Definition Rating Index PDRI RR113-11 CII-1996
  • Project Risk Analysis and Management. The association for Project Management
  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Fifth Edition
  • Specification for Invitation to Tender No. 2011/S 126-208873 relating to offshore power generation wind installations in Metropolitan France. Available in French in www.cre.es
  • BIMCO Time Charter Party for Offshore Service Vessels. Baltic and International Maritime Council
  • A review of regulatory framework for wind energy in European Union countries: Current state and expected development. Javier Serrano González, Roberto Lacal-Arántegui
  • European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Energy and Transport, Westerduinweg 3, NL-1755 LE Petten, The Netherlands. Available in http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1364032115013581/1-s2.0-S1364032115013581-main.pdf?_tid=51057716-67e9-11e7-ba13-00000aacb360&acdnat=1499963924_83fecf7eb89141221c9143ba5231d533
  • Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. Available in:  http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:52016PC0767R%2801%29

Learning outcomes of the course

  • Comprehension by the students of the phases of an ERM Project, with specific understanding of the main drivers in each stage.
  • The student will acquire knowledge about the possible interactions with the environment and society during the processes of development, construction and operation of the plant and the measures taken to manage them.
  • The student will have a wide comprehension of the different regulatory models applied to the RME in the European countries where these energies are being developed. Restrictions caused by the need of local content in the Supply Chain.
  • The student will acquire knowledge about the costs in a RME Project. Both direct costs as the acquisition of the supplies and services needed for the construction and operation of the facility, as the indirect costs with a commercial or financial character, as insurances or financing.
  • The student will acquire a sound knowledge of the concepts used in projects valuation and the final investment decision. Energy indicators and concept of business case, application to an OWF project.
  • The way in which a project is financed has influence in all areas of the project, managerial, technical and economical. Therefore, the student has to have knowledge of the different possibilities to finance a project, especially the possibility to finance it without recourse to the shareholders. Differences with rest of possible financing models, effects on the final costs and financial results.  Banking conditioning

Title:      STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF OFFSHORE PLATFORMS              4 credits

Ref :  EMSHIP+_M2-UPM-6                       

Prof : M.A. HEREROS                                                                                    Teaching Period: sem. 3

Link : http://www.etsin.upm.es/English/Estudios/Postgrado/Master%E2%80%99s%20Degree%20on%20Marine%20Renewable%20Energies%20Harnessing

Link : https://moodle.upm.es/titulaciones/propias/course/view.php?id=1454


  • Preparation of a Finite Element model of a foundation and integration with tower & WTG models
  • Preparing the analysis: site description, load case definition and creating the load environment in the FEM.
  • Running the FEM analysis and assessment of results
  • Sizing the model for the test on a basin.
  • Selection of the load conditions and site constraints
  • Being able to perform results comparison between numerical models and experiments


6.1: Full-Structural Design of a substructure for a WTG

  • Case study: jacket, monopile, by modelling with ANSYS.
  • Building the model and applying constraints
  • Definition of a specific site and building the design load cases
  • Sequential analysis: tower & WTG with foundation

6.2: Testing an offshore foundation on basin

  • Definition of model for test basin
  • Preparing the model for testing and load conditions
  • Test result comparison test basin vs. Software modelling

Academic staff

Miguel Ángel Herreros, Course coordinator
Mario de Vicente / Luis Pérez Rojas


  • E. Oñate: Cálculo de estructuras por el método de los elementos finitos. 1-análisis estático lineal, 2- análisis no lineal, CIMNE, 1992.
  • Zienkiewicz O. O.: The finite element method, mcgraw-hill, 1989.
  • Bathe, K. J.: Finite element procedures. 2nd ed. klaus-jürgen bathe, 2014.
  • Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance By Mohamed El-Reedy. Gulf Pub. Co., Book Division. ISBN: 978-0-12-385475-9
  • Introduction to offshore structures: design, fabrication, installation. William J. Graff. Gulf Pub. Co., Book Division.
  • Essentials of Offshore Structures: Framed and Gravity Platforms. D.V. Reddy, A. S. J. Swamidas. CRC Press.
  • Offshore Wind Power. Edited by John Twidell and Gaetano Gaudiosi. Multi-Science.
  • WEB resources. “Ocean Wave Interaction with Ships and Offshore Energy Systems” http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mechanical-engineering/2-24-ocean-wave-interaction-with-ships-and-offshore-energy-systems-13-022-spring-2002/ at MIT-OPEN-COURSE-WARE®
  • NREL – National Renewable energy Laboratory. NREL Publications Database /http://www.nrel.gov/publications/
  • Chopra A.: Dynamics of structures. Theory and applications. Edited by Prentice Hall, 2000 ISBN: 0130869732

Learning outcomes of the course

  • Ability to perform a numerical model analysis and sizing a WTG structure
  • Ability to assess the equivalent model for test basin
  • Ability to build the equivalent design load cases for test basin
  • Understanding of differences between numerical modelling and testing on a basin, and obtaining conclusions